Tag Archives: runway models

The Catwalks Finally Have Color

The catwalk has been freed to swell with color and majestic graces of diversity.  Even though black people don’t realise this small changes, these are the “I have a dream” speeches coming true. Not only the presentation of blacks on runways but the equal appreciation of beauty in every color. It makes us relate and appreciate the dorned coutoure as a style that can be dynamically wearble regardless of race. Anyhow, although change is slow, at least it is gradual. That is fabulous.

Jourdan Dunn one of the colors paining the runway fabulous....

Jourdan Dunn one of the colors paining the runway fabulous....


Models Day Off

This is how one of the models dresses on her day off the runway. I on the other hand, think that this outfit borders on ambiguity. Is it an outfit or a get-up??  gurl got me so confused. I want to high-five her off-work style from being different from those other runway robots. So kudos to that.  

This is an outfit or a get-up???

This is an outfit or a get-up???
